Thank goodness it's Friday! As I was typing that, I thought about TGIF tv. Does anyone remember that? Boy Meets World. Corey. Topanga. Eric. Sean. Come on! TV so good you wanted to stay home and watch! (or maybe it was just me) Do they even do that anymore?

Anyways! (Sorry for the tangent) Today I'm telecommuting and my sheer lazyness is inhibiting me from turning any lights on. I'm going to justify it as going green! So, I'll just continue to sit here in the dark and type....

This week has been full of amazing adventures. Saturday I went to te Cherry Blossom Festival, then drove down to Salisbury for the Mae concert. They were aMAEzing (lol. I'm so lame.) They're songs were so heartfelt. And they, as people, were so nice. We stayed after to say hi. They were just throwing around a frisbee and having a good time. They are going to release their songs individually on I-tunes now, giving all proceeds to Habitat for Humanity. The world needs more people like them.

On Sunday, I spent the day with my wonderful mom making tons of pillows. She is so funny sometimes. It gave Dad & Joe a chance to watch Saving Private Ryan. (Ick) The pillows brightened up my sun room so much!

Monday (as if the weekend wasn't enough) I went to the O's opening day game versus the NY Yankees. I got to see my two favorite teams play ball, so really I couldn't lose. I tailgated with my family outside the Sports Legends Museum, went to Pickles Pub, got a hotdog and cotton candy, and watched a great (but slow) baseball game. You can't beat a night like that. (The O's won 10 -5)

Wednesday was Jess Morris's birthday, so we went to the National Zoo. I finally got to see a panda! The weather was beautiful & the animals all came out to greet us, or so it seemed. Plus it was great to see a friend who I rarely see. I do miss that crazy girl.

So today is Friday & I have a half day. I'm making some easter baskets after work!

So, basically, life is good. I can't wait to have many more adventures.
3 Responses
  1. Nick Says:

    Wow 吾'm freekin jealous, 皆ll 之f that sounds so fun. 吾 bet you'd never 思hink you'd 聞耳ar 僕e 言ay 吾'm jealous because 吾'm 中n Japan haha.

    生ife should be 良ood. And it will get better.

  2. Nick Says:

    Hah sorry that last post came out weird. I have a program that turns the first letter of words in Kanji so I keep learning them haha. Here's what it was supposed to look like:

    Wow I'm freekin jealous, all of that sounds so fun. I bet you'd never think you'd hear me say I'm jealous because I'm in Japan haha.

    Life should be good. And it will get better.

  3. Mandy Says:

    Thanks Nick! I miss you! Come back soon!

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